Reports and submissions
UPR reporting
Joint UPR stakeholder report of the Advocates for Human Rights, Human Rights Research Center Armenia, and Women's Resource Center Armenia on DV legislation (2020). Access the Report.
Joint Caucasus Factsheet for Beijing + 25 Meeting of 2019
The factsheet assesses how countries in the Caucasus - Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan - meet their commitments under Beijing +25 and the areas requiring further action. It relies on information provided by civil society, national reports on B+25, as well as recommendations and assessments by international human rights mechanisms, such as CEDAW. Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan became independent states after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.​
Access the Factsheet.
Submission of Alternative Reports to UN Treaty Bodies
From May 2018 till September 2019 HRRC in cooperation with the EPF-Armenia (Eurasia Partnership Foundation) coordinated the preparation of 4 alternative reports for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. All 4 reports are with the regional focus. HRRC coordinates the research work of regional organizations/individual researchers.
The Report reviews the legal framework regarding the right to adequate housing as well as challenges to providing housing to persons left homeless after the 1988 earthquake, in particular those in the city of Gyumri in Shirak region. The report is submitted for consideration of UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
2. The Alternative Report on the Rights of the Child with a Focus on Yezidi Children in Armenia.
The report looks generally at Armenia’s legal and policy framework through the lens of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and focuses on the rights of children in the Yezidi community. The report is submitted for consideration of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
3. The Alternative Report on the Realization of the Right of Safe and Healthy Working Conditions in Armenia.
The Report in particular addresses the problem of realization in Armenia of the right to safe and healthy working conditions as prescribed under Article 7(b) of the Covenant focusing on practical challenges existing in Syunik Region of Armenia. The report is submitted for consideration of UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
4. the Alternative Report on the Realization of the Right to Health in Armenia.
The Report focuses on the challenges of enforcement of the right to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health in accordance with the provision of Article 12(1) and addresses practical challenges existing in Gegharqunik Region of Armenia. The report is submitted for consideration of UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
From July - September 2023 HRRC individually, as well as in cooperation with the EPF-Armenia (Eurasia Partnership Foundation) and the Law Development and Protection Foundation prepared and presented the following 3 reports before the 74th session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, within the framework of the Fourth Periodic Report of the Government of Armenia (October 3 - 5, 2023).
The Alternative report on the realization of the right to adequate housing by citizens left homeless as a result of the earthquake in Armenia in 1988 (an individual submission by HRRC).
The report address the issue of protection of the right to adequate housing of the citizens who became homeless as a result of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, which contradicts the commitments undertaken by Armenia under Articles 2 and 11.1 of the Covenant. The report particularly focuses on the Shirak region (Marz) of Armenia. The data presented in the report show that the current policy presented by the State contradicts the obligation of the State to ensure adequate housing conditions for the target group and to refrain from subjecting the latter to forced evictions without provision of the type of protection required to ensure respect for the relevant provisions of the Covenant. ​
The report addresses the issue of eliminating discrimination, protection of the right to work, the right to health (focus on the right to clean air) and the right to education. The report also focuses on a regression in terms of the protection regime of a number of constitutional guarantees for economic, social and cultural rights, and as well as removal of some of guarantees of protection of those rights as a result of the Constitutional Reforms of 2015.
Co-authors of this collective submission are Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Human Rights Research Center, Disability Rights Agenda NGO, Law Development and Protection Foundation, and Child Protection Network. ​
The report addresses the issue of discrimination in employment, trade union membership restrictions, restrictions on the right to strike, assessment of occupational risks to pregnant, breastfeeding women and women who have recently given birth and the lack of factor-based occupational risk assessment system for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It pertains to the violation of Armenia’s obligations under Articles 2 and 7 of the Covenant.
Co-authors of the submission are the Human Rights Research Center and the Law Development and Protection Foundation.